May 26 & June 2 Sunday services will be held at 2 Mile Landing Restaurant in Wildwood Crest.
Service will start at 9am (one hour earlier than the usual 10am)


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Why are we so busy? Maybe we need to unplug.

Recently, we’ve been talking about some of the core issues that cause us to be too busy. Last week we looked at how our parenting methods might be making us crazy busy. Today we want to look at the fact that we are too connected to technology. Many of these thoughts and ideas are influenced by a great book that I read called Crazy Busy by Kevin DeYoung. ...

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Why are we so busy? Maybe we’re paranoid about ruining our kids.

Recently, we’ve been talking about some of the core issues that cause us to be too busy. Last week we looked at how misplaced priorities can make you overwhelmed and crazy busy. Today we want to look at our cultural obsession with trying to not ruin our kids. Many of these thoughts and ideas are influenced by a great book that I read called Crazy Busy by Kevin DeYoung. ...

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Why are we so busy? Maybe my priorities are out of whack.

Recently, we’ve been talking about some of the core issues that cause us to be too busy. Last week we looked at how guilt and thinking you are supposed to be doing everything can be an impetus for our busyness. Today, we want to look at having misplaced priorities. ...

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Why are we so busy? Maybe it’s guilt.

Two weeks ago, we started talking about the danger of the busy lives that we are all living. We talked about how busyness saps our joy, attacks our heart, and can act as a facade to cover up the deep rooted problems that are in our souls. ...

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Maybe you’re too busy because you’re proud

Last week we started talking about the danger of the busy lives that we are all living. We talked about how busyness saps our joy, attacks our heart, and can act as a facade to cover up the deep rooted problems that are in our souls. ...

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Why you need to be freed from your busyness.

Let’s face it. We are all too busy. Perhaps you are one of the few out there who have learned to balance their life, say no to distractions, and dial in on what you are supposed to be focusing on, but most of us have not....

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How to rest well.

I first knew that I was desperately in need of rest when I began to notice these trends in my life: I was eating more than I had in years, I would slip into the habit of pastoring everyone else over my family, and I would make people feel like they were a burden when they needed my help. Conquering these things is neither simple nor quick, but today I want to encourage you...

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Don’t Be Afraid of the Skeletons In Your Closet

Because we do not understand that all of our shame and disgrace can be removed in the gospel, we feel the need to protect our deep, dark secrets at any cost. This often results in rage and interpersonal conflict....

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Love your “enemies”

Christ Jesus died for sinners, enemies, and that includes you and me. ...

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You can’t forgive if you don’t understand forgiveness.

We refuse to forgive other people because we don’t understand the gravity of our own sin, don’t grasp the holiness of God, and don’t understand forgiveness ourselves....

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