Posts Tagged with "rest"

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Why I requested to take a break from my column.

Whether it is season of life or just life in general, I seem to consistently feel as though my bandwidth is tapped. Even as we have grown as a church and hired more staff, life is always more than enough to keep us busy. This is, in large part, why I wrote my articles over the summer about busyness and rest. I was, predominantly, writing to myself - trying to keep my own b...

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How do you rest in Jesus?

Any gardener knows that if you want your tree (or in this case vine) to bear really healthy fruit, you need to trim it. If you just let the plant go wild, growing all over the place, it will get tall and bushy, but there won’t be healthy energy going to the branches to produce good fruit. In a sense, the plant is overwhelmed, spread thin, and ineffective. Why? Because it...

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Guess what? You will always be busy.

We’ve been talking about being busy all summer long. I have received more feedback than normal via emails, text messages, and regular conversations about how much many of our readers have resonated with the things that we’ve been talking about each week. With just a few weeks of this series left, we want to loop it all together and bring it home. ...

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You need more rest than you think you do.

Recently, we’ve been talking about some of the core issues that cause us to be too busy. Last week we looked at how our overuse of technology might be compounding the busyness that we feel. Today we want to look at the reality that you need more rest than you think that you do. ...

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Maybe you’re too busy because you’re proud

Last week we started talking about the danger of the busy lives that we are all living. We talked about how busyness saps our joy, attacks our heart, and can act as a facade to cover up the deep rooted problems that are in our souls. ...

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Why you need to be freed from your busyness.

Let’s face it. We are all too busy. Perhaps you are one of the few out there who have learned to balance their life, say no to distractions, and dial in on what you are supposed to be focusing on, but most of us have not....

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How to rest well.

I first knew that I was desperately in need of rest when I began to notice these trends in my life: I was eating more than I had in years, I would slip into the habit of pastoring everyone else over my family, and I would make people feel like they were a burden when they needed my help. Conquering these things is neither simple nor quick, but today I want to encourage you...

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