May 26 & June 2 Sunday services will be held at 2 Mile Landing Restaurant in Wildwood Crest.
Service will start at 9am (one hour earlier than the usual 10am)

Posts Tagged with "sin"

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On The Importance of Purging Sin

Recently I was speaking with a friend concerning a difficult conversation someone had with him a few months back. They had pointed out some areas of sin in his life and although he eventually calmed down, at first he got quite defensive. In our conversation, one of the statements he made was, “We all have areas of sin. I don’t need to run into your home and point out a...

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How Good is Good Enough?

Since nobody's perfect, how good is good enough? Pretend for a moment that out of nowhere, a coconut fell from the sky, bonked you on the head and you get killed. Don't worry about where the coconut came from - humor me. When you open your eyes, you're standing before God and he simply says to you, "Do you think I should let you into my house?" Your response is quick and...

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Why is it called Good Friday?

Recently someone asked, "Why is it called Good Friday?" As we talk about this question, my desire isn't to provide historical framework as to how the name Good Friday actually came about, but instead to explain what makes the day Jesus died a good day. The question is actually quite profound! With every other religious system in the world, the death of the leader would be...

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