Posts Tagged with "scripture"

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Is the Bible reliable?

"Is the Bible reliable?" The column will not be about trying to convince you to have faith in the book or believe the claims of the book necessarily, but to lay a foundation of why the Bible is a historically viable, reliable document. Today's column is a modified version of a previous Ask Pastor Bill for the Explore God series happening in the county right now at various ...

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Can the Bible be trusted?

Today we want to continue talking about the Bible and answering the question, "Can the Bible be trusted as a historical document?" The column will not be about trying to convince you to have faith in the book or believe the claims of the book necessarily, but to lay a foundation of why the Bible is a historically viable document. First, a little bit about the Bible. The w...

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How important is the Bible to Christianity?

This past week, in various ways I was asked the question, "How important is the Bible to Christianity? If the Bible is lost, how much of Christianity is lost? If the Bible is untrue or found to be myth and fable, does it impact Christianity?" I would like to dedicate the next few weeks to discussing various aspects of this question. Simply answered, the importance of the ...

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