Posts Tagged with "death"

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What would you do differently if you knew when you were going to die?

What would you do differently if you knew when you were going to die? What about me? What would I change tomorrow if I knew I only had 15 years left? Well, I’ve been chewing on this question for two weeks, and here are some of my thoughts....

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Are There Two Judgments?

Are there two judgments after death? The Bible talks about two different judgments after one dies. In scripture these are seen as the judgment seat of Christ and the Great White Throne Judgment. Here are some core essentials…...

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Is There an Afterlife?

Tom wrote, "How can we be sure there is an afterlife other than from biblical references?" Tom, thanks for the great question. I will do my best to respond to this with a thoughtful answer, but I want to undergird the reality that every worldview requires faith. Even atheism, which definitively states that there is absolutely no god, requires faith. Atheism assumes that, ...

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