Archives for September 2018

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Why I requested to take a break from my column.

Whether it is season of life or just life in general, I seem to consistently feel as though my bandwidth is tapped. Even as we have grown as a church and hired more staff, life is always more than enough to keep us busy. This is, in large part, why I wrote my articles over the summer about busyness and rest. I was, predominantly, writing to myself - trying to keep my own b...

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What can we learn from the passing of time?

At the beginning of September was my dad’s 75th birthday and at the end of August was my 37th. It just so happened, that right as these birthdays were happening, and summer was winding down, I read Psalm 90. I don’t have the space to copy it all here, but I would encourage you to go and read it on the internet so you can get a sense of it. In Psalm 90, the Psalmist, in...

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Are we married in the eyes of God?

“But Pastor, we are married in the eyes of God.” Over the years, I have heard this argument used to justify not getting legally married so that someone could keep their health benefits or even finagle the system to still receive assistance from an ex. I have heard young, dating, couples use it to explain why it is okay that they are sleeping together even though th...

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