August 29, 2018
by Pastor Bill
| Tags: rest, busy, Jesus
Any gardener knows that if you want your tree (or in this case vine) to bear really healthy fruit, you need to trim it. If you just let the plant go wild, growing all over the place, it will get tall and bushy, but there won’t be healthy energy going to the branches to produce good fruit. In a sense, the plant is overwhelmed, spread thin, and ineffective. Why? Because it...
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August 22, 2018
by Pastor Bill
| Tags: busy, priorities, rest
We’ve been talking about being busy all summer long. I have received more feedback than normal via emails, text messages, and regular conversations about how much many of our readers have resonated with the things that we’ve been talking about each week. With just a few weeks of this series left, we want to loop it all together and bring it home.
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August 15, 2018
by Pastor Bill
| Tags: busy, rest
Recently, we’ve been talking about some of the core issues that cause us to be too busy. Last week we looked at how our overuse of technology might be compounding the busyness that we feel. Today we want to look at the reality that you need more rest than you think that you do.
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August 8, 2018
by Pastor Bill
| Tags: busy, unplug, priorities
Recently, we’ve been talking about some of the core issues that cause us to be too busy. Last week we looked at how our parenting methods might be making us crazy busy. Today we want to look at the fact that we are too connected to technology. Many of these thoughts and ideas are influenced by a great book that I read called Crazy Busy by Kevin DeYoung.
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August 1, 2018
by Pastor Bill
| Tags: busy, kids, priorities
Recently, we’ve been talking about some of the core issues that cause us to be too busy. Last week we looked at how misplaced priorities can make you overwhelmed and crazy busy. Today we want to look at our cultural obsession with trying to not ruin our kids. Many of these thoughts and ideas are influenced by a great book that I read called Crazy Busy by Kevin DeYoung.
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July 25, 2018
by Pastor Bill
| Tags: busy, priorities
Recently, we’ve been talking about some of the core issues that cause us to be too busy. Last week we looked at how guilt and thinking you are supposed to be doing everything can be an impetus for our busyness. Today, we want to look at having misplaced priorities.
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July 18, 2018
by Pastor Bill
| Tags: busy, guilt, gifts
Two weeks ago, we started talking about the danger of the busy lives that we are all living. We talked about how busyness saps our joy, attacks our heart, and can act as a facade to cover up the deep rooted problems that are in our souls.
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July 11, 2018
by Pastor Bill
| Tags: Ask Pastor Bill, rest, work, busy, proud
Last week we started talking about the danger of the busy lives that we are all living. We talked about how busyness saps our joy, attacks our heart, and can act as a facade to cover up the deep rooted problems that are in our souls.
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