May 26 & June 2 Sunday services will be held at 2 Mile Landing Restaurant in Wildwood Crest.
Service will start at 9am (one hour earlier than the usual 10am)

Posts Tagged with "marriage"

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Health for Your Marriage: Be a Servant Lover

When it comes to sexual intercourse, most of the world is telling you that it is all about you. It’s about your pleasure, your satisfaction, your excitement, your fantasies and so on and so forth. Either blatantly or surreptitiously, the message of selfishness in sex is rampant. This type of selfish perspective towards sexual intercourse has dramatically impacted the way...

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Health for Your Marriage: Love and Respect

We are in the middle of a multi week series answering the question: “How can I find health in my marriage.” Last week we talked about creating margin in your life so that you actually can enjoy your spouse rather than simply run past your spouse while slapping five (or snapping at them). Today’s pointer: Learn to love and respect. In his book Love and Respect, Dr....

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Health for Your Marriage: Make space by saying no

We are in the middle of a multi week series answering the question: “How can I find health in my marriage.” Last week we talked about how the conflict in your marriage shouldn’t be about who wins, but about your growth. Today’s pointer: Make space by saying no. Unless you are the rare anomaly, you are surrounded by too much. I don’t just mean stuff (though tha...

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Health for Your Marriage: Fight to Grow, Not to Win

We are in the middle of a multi week series answering the question: “How can I find health in my marriage.” Last week we talked about learning to truly listen to what your spouse is saying to you. Today’s pointer: Fight to grow, not to win. We fight to win. Let’s be honest, you don’t fight to lose. Conflict isn’t enjoyable, and if you are the kind of pe...

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Health for Your Marriage: Learn to Listen

We are in the middle of a multi week series answering the question: “How can I find health in my marriage.” Last week we talked about loving God above all things and prioritizing your marriage around him. Today’s pointer: Learn to listen. We live in a time where it is more difficult than ever before to be mentally present even when we are physically present. ...

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Health for Your Marriage: Love God More

We are in the middle of a multi week series answering the question: “How can I find health in my marriage.” Last week we talked about changing your expectations. Today’s pointer: Love God more. After 13 years of marriage and 6 years of pastoral ministry, there is something that I have seen to be true 100% of the time. If my relationship with God is healthy, I l...

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Health for Your Marriage: Expectations

I have been asked the question, “Can you help my marriage,” or some version thereof more times than I would like to admit over the past few months. My heart has been very burdened by these questions, because I see marriage as an incredible gift from God. I do not think that Gina and I are unique or different. I do, however, know that we were equipped with some reliable...

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How does my worldview shape my marriage?

The last few weeks, we have been analyzing worldviews. We have defined a worldview as your set of assumptions which impact the way that you view the very essential questions of life. What is real, is there a God, what are humans, how do we determine right and wrong, what happens when I die, and more. Think of a worldview as the glasses that you put on which determine the w...

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Should I marry someone with a different worldview?

The last few weeks, we have been analyzing worldviews. We have defined a worldview as your set of assumptions which impact the way that you view the very essential questions of life. What is real, is there a God, what are humans, how do we determine right and wrong, what happens when I die, and more. Think of a worldview as the glasses that you put on which determine the w...

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How do I best serve my introverted spouse?

"I tend to be more outgoing. I love being around people and would gladly be out of the house four or five nights of week just hanging out and being involved in things. My wife, on the other hand, tends to be shy and really likes her time at home. I want to encourage her and walk alongside her in a way that loves her well and honors Jesus, but sometimes it can be difficult ...

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