Archives for April 2017

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How important is the Bible to Christianity?

This past week, in various ways I was asked the question, "How important is the Bible to Christianity? If the Bible is lost, how much of Christianity is lost? If the Bible is untrue or found to be myth and fable, does it impact Christianity?" I would like to dedicate the next few weeks to discussing various aspects of this question. Simply answered, the importance of the ...

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What does it mean to long for God?

One reader asked, "What does it mean to long for God - what does this look like in my everyday life? Is it praying for His return? Is it the empty feeling that only feels full when I'm in the Word?" There are a plethora of different ways that I think you could answer this question, but what comes to mind immediately are the words of Jesus when he summarized the law of God...

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Jesus became the Passover Lamb

The Jewish Passover is the most important holiday of the year. It commemorates when God rescued his people, the Israelites, from slavery in Egypt. Many people know some version of the story because of various hollywood renditions - God's people were trapped in slavery in Egypt, oppressed and forced to perform hard labor. After 400 years, God began a rescue mission to bring...

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Why is it called Good Friday?

Recently someone asked, "Why is it called Good Friday?" As we talk about this question, my desire isn't to provide historical framework as to how the name Good Friday actually came about, but instead to explain what makes the day Jesus died a good day. The question is actually quite profound! With every other religious system in the world, the death of the leader would be...

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Is it biblical to pray to saints?

I received a commonly asked question recently, "Is it biblical to pray to saints, loved ones who have passed away, or anyone besides God?" I realize that this has the potential to be a volatile question. For one, the official teaching of the Roman Catholic Church is not that anyone should pray to Mary, a saint, or anyone else, but that you can ask Mary, a saint, or someon...

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