Archives for August 2017

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Can you explain the Trinity?

One reader asked, "Can you explain the Trinity? What does it mean that the members of the Trinity submit to one another?" The trinity is one of those concepts that you hear Christians talk about, but the word is never actually used in the Bible. Just because the word trinity is never used, however, doesn't mean that the concept isn't real. The word dinosaur didn't exist u...

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How does my worldview shape my marriage?

The last few weeks, we have been analyzing worldviews. We have defined a worldview as your set of assumptions which impact the way that you view the very essential questions of life. What is real, is there a God, what are humans, how do we determine right and wrong, what happens when I die, and more. Think of a worldview as the glasses that you put on which determine the w...

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How does my worldview shape how I parent?

The last few weeks, we have been analyzing worldviews. We have defined a worldview as your set of assumptions which impact the way that you view the very essential questions of life. What is real, is there a God, what are humans, how do we determine right and wrong, what happens when I die, and more. Think of a worldview as the glasses that you put on which determine the w...

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Should I marry someone with a different worldview?

The last few weeks, we have been analyzing worldviews. We have defined a worldview as your set of assumptions which impact the way that you view the very essential questions of life. What is real, is there a God, what are humans, how do we determine right and wrong, what happens when I die, and more. Think of a worldview as the glasses that you put on which determine the w...

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Update from the Czech Republic

Dear friends,What a July. I realize that we bring this on ourselves, but Julys are usually super busy for us, as we have a week of English camp, Bible conference, and a Basketball camp one right after the other. It is exhausting but great. Let me briefly share about the three events 1. English camp: due to the size of our buildings, we had to put a cap on the applications...

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Is your Christian worldview cohesive?

Two weeks ago, we introduced the concept of a worldview, our set of assumptions about the way that the world works, explaining that all worldviews answer the following questions: What is reality? What is the nature of the world around us? What are humans? What happens at death? Why can we know anything? How do we determine right and wrong? What is the meaning of h...

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