May 26 & June 2 Sunday services will be held at 2 Mile Landing Restaurant in Wildwood Crest.
Service will start at 9am (one hour earlier than the usual 10am)

Posts Tagged with "worship"

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Can I worship at home alone?

In our previous column, we began responding to the questions, "Why Should I Go to Church? Can't I Just Worship in My Own Home Alone?" Previously, we addressed why followers of Jesus should gather together in the local church as opposed to simply staying in their house and watching a television preacher or reading their Bible alone. This week we will continue, specifically ...

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Why should I go to church? Can't I just worship in my own home alone?

One reader wrote, "Why should I go to church? Can't I just worship in my own home alone?" I would like to engage with this question over the next two weeks, addressing each question on its own. I think both of them deserve some time to clear up any misconceptions. Defined, the global church is everyone who is a follower of Jesus. The local church, on the other hand, is th...

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What is Prayer?

Over the past month, I have received multiple questions that all circle around the same main theme. Although using different words, the essence of each question is this: "People tell me that I should worship Jesus and pray to him. I am doing that, but my prayers are not being answered. Am I doing something wrong? What is worship? What is prayer? What can I do in order to h...

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What is Worship?

Over the past few weeks, I have received multiple questions that circle around the same main theme. Although using different words, the essence of each question is this: "People tell me that I should worship Jesus and pray to him. I am doing that, but my prayers are not being answered. Am I doing something wrong? What is worship? What is prayer? What can I do in order to h...

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Don't Miss These Moments

The morning was like any other Wednesday morning. Around 8:15, I began the preschool peptalk, letting Emma know that we would be leaving in 30 minutes. This way she is prepared when I tell her that we need to go to the bathroom, brush our teeth, wet and scrunch her hair, get dressed, try to go to the bathroom again, put on her shoes, and so on and so forth. Amazingly enoug...

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