Because we believe that Scripture is clear that parents are primary in making disciples of their children, our hope is to partner with families in their pursuit of this mission, coming alongside them in the discipleship process. We do so by creating fun environments, engaging curriculum, and helpful resources that center on the gospel of Jesus Christ
At revolveKIDS, we strive to establish the building blocks of a strong foundation. We teach from the Scriptures and help parents proclaim to their kids who God is and what He has done in the person and work of Jesus Christ. In our class time we sing, teach, and discuss the Bible, focusing on our six foundational truths:
- God made everything
- God is in charge of everything
- God is good
- Jesus came to save sinners
- God wants to talk with us
- The Church is God’s family.
God calls the family to play a vital role in discipling the next generation
How this is accomplished varies from family to family and is as unique as the DNA of each home. Family discipleship isn’t one-size-fits-all, and it isn’t easy—even the most intentional of Christian parents may find themselves at a loss as to how to begin. Here are some suggested resources for those who want to learn more:
- Family Worship by Whitney
- Family Discipleship by Chandler || Sermon Series