Posts Tagged with "truth"

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How do I draw closer to God when...

A reader from Lower writes, "My mother has pushed God on my brothers and I in an unhealthy way our entire lives. How do I suppress my resentment towards having religion and God pushed on me in a negative way yet still grow in my faith without doubting it from time to time? What's the best way to recapture my faith and know that God is with me?" In the last few years of pa...

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Don't Miss These Moments

The morning was like any other Wednesday morning. Around 8:15, I began the preschool peptalk, letting Emma know that we would be leaving in 30 minutes. This way she is prepared when I tell her that we need to go to the bathroom, brush our teeth, wet and scrunch her hair, get dressed, try to go to the bathroom again, put on her shoes, and so on and so forth. Amazingly enoug...

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