Posts Tagged with "respect"

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Health for Your Marriage: Love and Respect

We are in the middle of a multi week series answering the question: “How can I find health in my marriage.” Last week we talked about creating margin in your life so that you actually can enjoy your spouse rather than simply run past your spouse while slapping five (or snapping at them). Today’s pointer: Learn to love and respect. In his book Love and Respect, Dr....

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How do I honor a toxic parent?

Michelle from Middle writes, "I know that the Bible says that I am supposed to honor my mother and father, but how do I do this if one of my parents is toxic, emotionally unavailable and distant?" Before I begin and respond to this question, I want to make something clear. Honoring your parents is not synonymous with obeying your parents. Exodus 20:12 commands us to honor...

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