Posts Tagged with "bible"

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Why is context important when reading the Bible?

The following column is from one of Revolve Church’s elders, Breton Palmer, and addresses the question, “Why is context important when reading the Bible?” It was first published on the website Doctrine and Devotion. ...

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Is the New Testament Historically Reliable?

How we can know that the New Testament is historically reliable and not just some made up document? We are not invited to ignorant faith, but to a faith that can stand against scrutiny....

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So you want to start reading the Bible…

This time of year I always get a few people who ask me about starting to read the Bible, where to begin, how to do it, and what they should do if they don't actually believe it anyway. If this describes you, you are in luck! Today I hope to provide a simple framework for reading the Scriptures as well as giving you a simple reading plan to get you started. Before we begin...

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Is the Bible reliable?

"Is the Bible reliable?" The column will not be about trying to convince you to have faith in the book or believe the claims of the book necessarily, but to lay a foundation of why the Bible is a historically viable, reliable document. Today's column is a modified version of a previous Ask Pastor Bill for the Explore God series happening in the county right now at various ...

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Does Science Disprove the Bible?

We are in the middle of a mini-series about the Bible. One reader wrote last week, "How do you explain that science says that the earth is so old and the Bible says differently? Do they contradict one another? Are they mutually exclusive?" Genesis 1, the first chapter of the Bible, causes a great deal of controversy and division. If you haven't read the chapter, a quick s...

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Can the Bible be trusted?

Today we want to continue talking about the Bible and answering the question, "Can the Bible be trusted as a historical document?" The column will not be about trying to convince you to have faith in the book or believe the claims of the book necessarily, but to lay a foundation of why the Bible is a historically viable document. First, a little bit about the Bible. The w...

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How important is the Bible to Christianity?

This past week, in various ways I was asked the question, "How important is the Bible to Christianity? If the Bible is lost, how much of Christianity is lost? If the Bible is untrue or found to be myth and fable, does it impact Christianity?" I would like to dedicate the next few weeks to discussing various aspects of this question. Simply answered, the importance of the ...

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What will we be like in the afterlife?

One reader asked, "What does the Bible teach about what we will be like in the afterlife?" We read this story in the gospel of Matthew as well as the gospel of Mark: The same day Sadducees came to him, who say that there is no resurrection, and they asked him a question, saying,'"Teacher, Moses said, 'If a man dies having no children, his brother must marry the widow and ...

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