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Family Primer for Dec 27, 2020.

Be Still Psalm 46:10 John 15:1-8 Questions for discussion: As you reflect on 2020, discuss with each other what did the Lord teach you specifically? As you reflect on 2020, what has gotten in the way of you spending time with the Lord daily? What would it look like to slow down as a Family and seek the Lord together? What changes need to be made? Read John...

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Christmas Encouragement


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The Gospel and Injustice

The Christian position is not always to pick a side, but to stand in the middle, proclaiming that the way out of wickedness is the straight path of salvation found in the Man of Righteousness, Jesus Christ. This position is more volatile than any other, embracing affliction, as it runs the risk of being torn apart by all sides....

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Psalm 10

Pastor Bill shares some devotional thoughts from Psalm 10 in light of the Coronavirus confusion....

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Esther Fast (April 9-11, 2020)

Esther, chapter 4, describes a crisis for Esther’s people. Mordecai tells Esther that deliverance will certainly come, and challenges her to risk her life because she might “be in the kingdom for such a time as this.” Esther calls for all her people to fast three days. In response, God gave her favor with the king, the wisdom and strategy to defeat her enemies, and d...

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New Year Primer for 2020

In 2020, we want you to succeed! We want you to succeed in your spiritual journey, succeed in the change that you desire, and succeed in fulfilling God’s created purpose for your life. ...

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What is this virus revealing about Churchianity?

The Coronavirus is shining a spotlight on the weaknesses of institutional 'Churchianity.' Pastor Bill explains what COVID is revealing in this new video....

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What the Church in the USA needs to be thinking about...

Churches all across the USA are trying to figure out how they can maintain their congregation through streaming services, but is that what we should really be focusing on right now? I don't think so....

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Culture Shock during COVID-19 is a real thing!

Are you experiencing some emotions that don't make much logical sense? It is normal. You are going through CULTURE SHOCK!...

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Spiritual Disciplines in Isolation

In this video, Pastor Bill shows how some basic spiritual disciplines can help you to thrive - even in isolation....

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