December 15, service time is 9am (one week only)
December 24, Christmas Eve Service at Erma Camp, 4pm
December 29, no service- will return January 5 @ 10am, LCMR

December 2, 2018

Say The Hard Things

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: Titus Topic: the Bible Passage: Titus 1:9– 2:1, Titus 2:15

July 8, 2018

What is Spiritual Health?

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: Live, Work and Play with Intention Topic: the Bible Passage: Luke 6:12–19

July 1, 2018

4. Heavenly Investments Brings Eternal Dividends

Speaker: Steve Tecco Series: Gospel Generosity Topic: the Bible Passage: Luke 16:1–13

June 24, 2018

3. Be Generous Like Jesus

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: Gospel Generosity Topic: the Bible Passage: 2 Corinthians 8:1–24

June 17, 2018

2. Pray to Prioritize Your Purchases

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: Gospel Generosity Topic: the Bible Passage: Luke 11:1–13

June 10, 2018

1. You don't have a money problem

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: Gospel Generosity Topic: the Bible Passage: Genesis 1:1– 3:24

May 20, 2018

19. The Foundation of Hope

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: 1 & 2 Kings Topic: the Bible Passage: 2 Kings 24:1– 25:30, 2 Timothy 2:13

May 13, 2018

18. Read & Reform

Speaker: Breton Palmer Series: 1 & 2 Kings Topic: the Bible Passage: 2 Kings 23:3

May 6, 2018

17. Hezekiah's Folly (Part 2)

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: 1 & 2 Kings Topic: the Bible Passage: 2 Kings 20:1–21, Psalm 90:10–12

April 29, 2018

16. Hezekiah, the Fool (Part 1)

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: 1 & 2 Kings Topic: the Bible Passage: 2 Kings 18:1– 19:37, Proverbs 3:5–6, 1 Chronicles 1:26–31

April 22, 2018

15. The Antidote for Loving Worthless Things

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: 1 & 2 Kings Topic: the Bible Passage: 2 Kings 17:1–41, Psalm 115:1–18

April 15, 2018

14. Be Transformed, Not Conformed

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: 1 & 2 Kings Topic: the Bible Passage: 2 Kings 16:1–20, Romans 12:1–2, Philippians 4:8

April 8, 2018

13. God Isn't a Checkbox

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: 1 & 2 Kings Topic: the Bible Passage: 2 Kings 13:10–20

March 25, 2018

12. Storing Up Wrath

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: 1 & 2 Kings Topic: the Bible Passage: 2 Kings 9:1– 10:36, Romans 3:21–26

March 18, 2018

11. Coincidentally Sovereign

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: 1 & 2 Kings Topic: the Bible Passage: 2 Kings 4:8–36, 2 Kings 8:1–6

March 11, 2018

10. Bad Company Corrupts Good Morals

Speaker: Steve Tecco Series: 1 & 2 Kings Topic: the Bible Passage: 2 Kings 1–3

March 4, 2018

9. No Turning Back

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: 1 & 2 Kings Topic: the Bible Passage: 1 Kings 19:15–22

February 25, 2018

8. Where are you, God?

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: 1 & 2 Kings Topic: the Bible Passage: 1 Kings 17–19

February 18, 2018

7. What’s your legacy?

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: 1 & 2 Kings Topic: the Bible Passage: 1 Kings 15–16

February 11, 2018

6. Who are you listening to?

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: 1 & 2 Kings Topic: the Bible Passage: 1 Kings 11–14

February 4, 2018

5. How to Finish Well

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: 1 & 2 Kings Topic: the Bible Passage: 1 Kings 9–11

January 28, 2018

4. Building a House for God?

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: 1 & 2 Kings Topic: the Bible Passage: 1 Kings 5–8

January 21, 2018

3. What makes a person wise?

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: 1 & 2 Kings Topic: the Bible Passage: 1 Kings 3–5

January 14, 2018

2. What makes a person godly?

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: 1 & 2 Kings Topic: the Bible Passage: 1 Kings 1–2

December 17, 2017

3. Awkward Family Christmas: Labels 2017

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: Advent & Christmas Topic: the Bible Passage: Genesis 35:16–18, Revelation 2:17

December 3, 2017

1. Awkward Family Christmas: Judgment 2017

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: Advent & Christmas Topic: the Bible Passage: Luke 5

November 26, 2017

4. Connect with God’s Mission

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: CONNECT Topic: the Bible

November 19, 2017

3. Connect with God's Family

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: CONNECT Topic: the Bible

November 12, 2017

2. Connect with the Word: Hear and Obey

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: CONNECT Topic: the Bible

November 5, 2017

1. Connect with the Gospel

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: CONNECT Topic: the Bible Passage: Galatians 2:20

October 29, 2017

6. Is the Bible Reliable?

Speaker: Steve Tecco Series: exploreGod Topic: the Bible

October 22, 2017

5. Is Christianity Too Narrow?

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: exploreGod Topic: the Bible

October 8, 2017

3. How Good is "Good Enough"?

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: exploreGod Topic: the Bible

October 1, 2017

2. Why Does a Good God Allow Pain and Suffering?

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: exploreGod Topic: the Bible Passage: Genesis 1–4

September 24, 2017

1. Does Life Have a Purpose?

Speaker: Vlád'a Donát Series: exploreGod Topic: the Bible

September 17, 2017

14. Chasing Contentment

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: Philippians Topic: the Bible Passage: Philippians 4:10–23

September 10, 2017

13. Living Above Your Circumstances

Speaker: Steve Tecco Series: Philippians Topic: the Bible Passage: Philippians 4:6–7

September 3, 2017

12. Model Citizens

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: Philippians Topic: the Bible Passage: Philippians 3:17– 4:3, Philippians 4:8–9

August 27, 2017

11. Taking and Taken Hold

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: Philippians Topic: the Bible Passage: Philippians 3:10–16

August 20, 2017

10. Jesus is Better

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: Philippians Topic: the Bible Passage: Philippians 3:1–11

August 13, 2017

9. Pride, Humility, and Discipleship

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: Philippians Topic: the Bible Passage: Philippians 2:19–30

August 6, 2017

8. Complaining: The Pillager of Joy

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: Philippians Topic: the Bible Passage: Philippians 2:12–18

July 30, 2017

7. God Meets Us to Reach Us

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: Philippians Topic: the Bible Passage: Philippians 2:5–11

July 23, 2017

6. Counting Others More Significant

Speaker: Breton Palmer Series: Philippians Topic: the Bible Passage: Philippians 2:1–4

July 9, 2017

5. Contending with Courage for the Gospel

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: Philippians Topic: the Bible Passage: Philippians 1:27–30

July 2, 2017

4. To Live is Christ

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: Philippians Topic: the Bible Passage: Philippians 1:21–26

June 25, 2017

3. Joy in Gospel Advancement

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: Philippians Topic: the Bible Passage: Philippians 1:12–20

June 18, 2017

2. Partners in the Gospel

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: Philippians Topic: the Bible Passage: Philippians 1:3–11

June 11, 2017

1. Discovered by Joy

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: Philippians Topic: the Bible Passage: Philippians 1:1–2, Acts 16:6–34

June 4, 2017

Shared and Purposeful Mission in the World

Speaker: Reid Monaghan Series: Stand Alone Sermons Topic: the Bible Passage: Titus 1:1–4

May 28, 2017

44. There and Back Again

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: The Story of God Topic: the Bible Passage: Revelation 21–22, Revelation 22

May 21, 2017

43. A Global, Diverse Family

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: The Story of God Topic: the Bible Passage: Acts 10

May 14, 2017

42. A Changed Life

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: The Story of God Topic: the Bible Passage: Acts 9

May 7, 2017

41. Power to Make Disciples

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: The Story of God Topic: the Bible Passage: Acts 2

April 30, 2017

40. Going, Make Disciples

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: The Story of God Topic: the Bible Passage: Matthew 28:16–20, Acts 1:6–8

April 23, 2017

39. Jesus on Every Page

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: The Story of God Topic: the Bible Passage: Luke 24

April 16, 2017

38. A Happy Sunday

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: The Story of God Topic: the Bible Passage: John 19:28– 20:31

April 9, 2017

37. A Way is Made

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: The Story of God Topic: the Bible Passage: Matthew 27

April 2, 2017

36. Jesus Prays in the Garden

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: The Story of God Topic: the Bible Passage: Mark 14:26–50, John 18:1–11

March 26, 2017

35. Love One Another

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: The Story of God Topic: the Bible Passage: John 13:1–38

March 19, 2017

34. I am the Resurrection and the Life

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: The Story of God Topic: the Bible Passage: John 11:1–46

March 12, 2017

33. The Light of the World

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: The Story of God Topic: the Bible Passage: John 9

March 5, 2017

32. Faith, Obedience, and Stormy Weather

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: The Story of God Topic: the Bible Passage: John 6:16–24, Matthew 14:22–33

February 26, 2017

31. Jesus Feeds the Multitudes

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: The Story of God Topic: the Bible Passage: John 6, Mark 6, Matthew 14

February 19, 2017

30. The Greatest Claim Ever Made, Part 2

Speaker: Steve Tecco Series: The Story of God Topic: the Bible Passage: John 5:1–29

February 12, 2017

29. The Greatest Claim Ever Made, Part 1

Speaker: Steve Tecco Series: The Story of God Topic: the Bible Passage: John 5:1–29

February 5, 2017

28. Born of the Spirit (John 3:1-21)

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: The Story of God Topic: the Bible Passage: John 3:1–21

January 29, 2017

27. Water into Wine (John 2:1-11)

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: The Story of God Topic: the Bible Passage: John 2:1–11

January 22, 2017

26. Follow Me (Luke 5:1-11)

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: The Story of God Topic: the Bible Passage: Luke 5:1–11

October 18, 2015

2. Decentralized Growth

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: A Thread Well Woven Topic: the Bible