11. Coincidentally Sovereign

March 18, 2018 Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: 1 & 2 Kings

Topic: the Bible Passage: 2 Kings 4:8–36, 2 Kings 8:1–6

When we look at our lives, where we were born, what we have been given, what we are good at, it is easy to think that it was just luck of the draw, but everything in our lives has been filtered through the hands of God. Even our day-to-day realities - the things that we call coincidences - are opportunities to see God's sovereign hand at work. We simply need to open our eyes!

More in 1 & 2 Kings

May 27, 2018

20. Kingship and Kingdom in the Bible

May 20, 2018

19. The Foundation of Hope

May 13, 2018

18. Read & Reform