19. The Foundation of Hope
May 20, 2018 Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: 1 & 2 Kings
Topic: the Bible Passage: 2 Kings 24:1– 25:30, 2 Timothy 2:13
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As we draw to the end of 1 & 2 Kings, we see a hopeless situation. The Northern Kingdom has been destroyed. The Southern Kingdom is in ruins. The temple is a pile of stones, plundered of all its wealth and glory. But God’s not done yet. God has made promises, and unlike mankind, God is always faithful to keep his word. Does the end of Kings feel like a hopeless situation filled with faithless people? Yes, but our hope is founded on God’s faithfulness, not our own.

More in 1 & 2 Kings
May 27, 2018
20. Kingship and Kingdom in the BibleMay 13, 2018
18. Read & ReformMay 6, 2018
17. Hezekiah's Folly (Part 2)