5. Is Christianity Too Narrow?
October 22, 2017 Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: exploreGod
Topic: the Bible
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Is Christianity too narrow? People believe if you want to come to Christianity you need to DO a whole lot of random things. You need to go to church, you need to dress in nicer clothes, you need to pray so many times a day, go to this meeting, stop smoking, start doing X and stop doing Y. This type of Christianity, the type that says, “If you want to become a Christian, this is what you have to do before you come to God or this church” is exclusive, narrow, and very condemning. But is this real Christianity?
More in exploreGod
October 29, 2017
6. Is the Bible Reliable?October 15, 2017
4. Jesus' Compassion for the LostOctober 8, 2017
3. How Good is "Good Enough"?