8. Where are you, God?
February 25, 2018 Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: 1 & 2 Kings
Topic: the Bible Passage: 1 Kings 17–19
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There are seasons in life where God seems to yell at you with a megaphone - times when his presence and power is so obvious that you feel as though only a fool would miss it. During other times, however, God seems to be silent, maybe even absent. During those times, we are prone to look to the heavens and ask, "Where are you, God?" Has God left, has he abandoned us, or are we just not hearing him speak?

More in 1 & 2 Kings
May 27, 2018
20. Kingship and Kingdom in the BibleMay 20, 2018
19. The Foundation of HopeMay 13, 2018
18. Read & Reform