Leviticus 9 & 10 (God is a Consuming Fire)
January 16, 2022 Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: Leviticus
Passage: Leviticus 9:1– 10:20
Go Deeper:
- Do you actively seek to prepare your heart to meet with God before you read, before Discipleship Group, or before Sunday’s gathering? If not, why? What is the risk?
- What are some practical ways that you can prepare your spirit to worship the Lord on his terms?
- Have you spent time wondering about what it means to worship the Lord appropriately? How should this impact the songs we sing, the “Christian” books we read, and the way we interact with other believers when we are together?
- What is your one big takeaway from this section of Leviticus and why?

More in Leviticus
May 29, 2022
Leviticus 27May 22, 2022
Leviticus 26May 15, 2022
Leviticus 25 (Year of Jubilee)