December 15, service time is 9am (one week only)
December 24, Christmas Eve Service at Erma Camp, 4pm
December 29, no service- will return January 5 @ 10am, LCMR

Where is Being Born Again in the Old Testament?

May 19, 2019 Speaker: Steve Tecco Series: The Gospel of John

Passage: John 3:5–6, Psalm 87:1–7

Jesus challenged Nicodemus in John 3:1-9, calling him out for being the most famous teacher in Israel yet not knowing the Old Testament’s teaching concerning the need for all people to be spiritually reborn. So what was Jesus referring to? Where does the Old Testament claim that people need to be born again?

More in The Gospel of John

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What is a Christian? (John 20:19-31)

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KING of Kings, LORD of Lords