4. Decentralized Evangelism
November 1, 2015 Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: A Thread Well Woven
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The Point:
You know the greatest news. Tell the world.
Final Thought:
“Christian disciples are sent men and women—sent out in the same work of world evangelism to which the Lord was sent, and for which he gave his life. Evangelism is not an optional accessory to our life. It is the heartbeat of all that we are called to be and do. It is the commission of the church that gives meaning to all else that is undertaken in the name of Christ. With this purpose clearly in focus, everything that is done and said has glorious fulfillment of God’s redemptive purpose..." - Robert E Coleman, The Master Plan of Evangelism
Resources for Digging Deeper:

More in A Thread Well Woven
October 25, 2015
3. Decentralized CompassionOctober 18, 2015
2. Decentralized GrowthOctober 11, 2015
1. Discover Revolve