Nahum: Consolation Amidst Judgement (pt 2)

March 5, 2023 Speaker: Steve Tecco Series: Nahum

Passage: Nahum 1:1– 3:19

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In the midst of pronouncing God’s judgment on a violent and oppressive Assyrian nation,  Nahum reminds the nation of Judah that He is a stronghold in the day of trouble.  God’s character is emphasized as Nahum reminds us of God’s justice, power, mercy, and goodness.  In the midst of God’s judgment, God promises a message of hope and good news to those who trust in Him. 

Discussion Questions:

1.  Seven times in Genesis 1 God's creative actions are called "good."  Nahum reminds us that God is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble in 1:7.  How does the goodnes of God relate to life's difficulties and disappointments?

2. Why does Nahum introduce and relate the character of God to judgement?

3. What is the message of the feet that brings good news in 1:15?  How does the apostle Paul borrow that imagery in Romans 10:15?  What or Who is the ultimate message of good news?


More in Nahum

February 26, 2023

Nahum: Consolation Amidst Judgment (pt 1)