Leviticus 24:1-9
May 8, 2022 Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: Leviticus
Passage: Leviticus 24:1–9
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- Building on last week’s sermon about the festivals, how does this content also give you a deeper appreciation for the Lord’s Supper as the “all encompassing” festival celebration?
- Are you confident that you know where you stand with the Lord?
- PARENTS: How do you model a relationship with the Lord to your children while also acknowledging that you can’t do it for them? How do you equip them to that end?
- CHILDREN: How much ownership do you have over your own faith? On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being no responsibility and 10 being all of the responsibility, how much focus do you put on your own spiritual growth?

More in Leviticus
May 29, 2022
Leviticus 27May 22, 2022
Leviticus 26May 15, 2022
Leviticus 25 (Year of Jubilee)