Striving to be Clean in a Polluted World

January 31, 2021 Speaker: Steve Tecco Series: 1 & 2 Peter: Unshakeable Hope

Passage: 1 Peter 1:13–25

Having focused on walking in hope because of our glorious salvation, Peter now turns his attention on the theme of walking in holiness in imitation of our Heavenly Father.  In chapter 1:13-25, Peter shares incentives and “how to’s” as to how to live godly lives as aliens in this godless world.  

Questions for discussion:

  1. What does it mean to you to live with eternity‘s values in mind? How does that impact your daily choices and life decisions?
  2. What are some of the hurdles to holy living as we walk this earthly pilgrimage?
  3. How does the word of God aided by the Spirit of God assist us in our desire to live holy lives?
  4. What does Peter say is the ultimate motivation to living with an eye on the future according to verse 13?
  5. Which person will you share with concerning the essence of this passage this week?


More in 1 & 2 Peter: Unshakeable Hope

November 27, 2022

2 Peter 3 (Living In Light Of Christ's Return; Part 2)

November 20, 2022

2 Peter 3 (Living in Light of Christ's Return; Part 1)

November 13, 2022

2 Peter 2 (Part 3)