

When Jonah preached repentance on the streets of Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, the people responded and were spared. A century later, sometime between 663 and 612 b.c., Nahum preached in a time when Nineveh would not repent. Nineveh, which had destroyed Israel's northern kingdom in 722, itself fell to Babylon in 612-just a few years after Nahum's warning. The Assyrians were notorious for the brutality of their treatment of other nations. Nahum declared, however, that God is sovereign: he punishes whom he will, and they are powerless to stop him. Much of Nahum's prophecy was directed to the people of Judah, who could rejoice at the good news (1:15) of Nineveh's impending fall. (FROM ESV BIBLE)

March 5, 2023

Nahum: Consolation Amidst Judgement (pt 2)

Speaker: Steve Tecco Series: Nahum Passage: Nahum 1:1– 3:19

February 26, 2023

Nahum: Consolation Amidst Judgment (pt 1)

Speaker: Steve Tecco Series: Nahum Passage: Nahum 1:1– 3:19