Gospel Saturated Communities

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Gospel Saturated Communities

"I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it." The church, biblically, is not a building or a stationary institution, but a gathering of God's people moving forward with the battering ram of the good news concerning Jesus Christ. The gospel defines everything about this new gathering of people. It saturates the way they interact, their passions, their hopes and their dreams. God is establishing a gospel-saturated gathering of his new family, and he is doing this globally, locally, and even in your very home. You are part of something much bigger than yourself!

October 14, 2018

Spiritual Gifts

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: Gospel Saturated Communities Passage: 1 Corinthians 12, 1 Corinthians 14:1–25, Ephesians 4:1–16, Romans 12:3–8

October 7, 2018

Discipleship Groups- Community on Mission

Speaker: Christian Vance Series: Gospel Saturated Communities Passage: John 13:33–35, Acts 2:42–47

September 16, 2018

God's Global Goal

Speaker: Breton Palmer Series: Gospel Saturated Communities Passage: Psalm 67:1–7