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Why Do We Exist?

In this sermon series, we will unpack the vision for our church, focusing on one key phrase at a time. We exist to glorify God by making disciples who make disciples of all nations. Each week, we'll explore how this calling drives our mission, starting with glorifying God as our ultimate purpose. Then, we'll dive into what it means to make disciples, how discipleship is a multiplying effort, and why it extends to all nations. Finally, we'll examine how equipping people to hear, obey, and share God's truth is the practical outworking of this vision, enabling everyone in the church to participate in God's mission.

February 2, 2014

GLOCAL (week 1) - Hope for the hopeless

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: Acts Passage: Acts 16:16–31

January 26, 2014

Are we there yet? (week 4) - Intentional

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: Acts Passage: Acts 16:1–10

January 19, 2014

Are We There Yet? (Week 3) - Built for Speed

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: Acts Passage: Acts 15:36–41

January 15, 2014

Does God cause calamity?

Speaker: Breton Palmer Series: Underground

January 12, 2014

Are We There Yet? (Week 2) - Access

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: Acts Passage: Acts 15:1–21

January 5, 2014

Are We There Yet? (Week 1) - The Long Haul

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: Acts Passage: Acts 14:1–28

December 24, 2013

5. #Fanfare 2013

Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: Advent & Christmas

Old Testament
