May 26 & June 2 Sunday services will be held at 2 Mile Landing Restaurant in Wildwood Crest.
Service will start at 9am (one hour earlier than the usual 10am)

Strategic Church Planting

November 18, 2018 Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: Titus

Passage: Titus 1:5

The apostle Paul had a strategy to reach the nations - church planting. He would go into a town, preach the gospel, some would respond (others would not) and then he would gather them into a new church. Through a process of coaching and encouragement, over time, Paul would appoint pastoral leadership over the new church from within. His methods stand in stark contrast to our current world. What if we learned more from Paul and returned to ancient, proven ways?


More in Titus

January 20, 2019

Gospel Unity

January 6, 2019

Reflecting God to the World

December 23, 2018

The Gift of a Changed Life