May 26 & June 2 Sunday services will be held at 2 Mile Landing Restaurant in Wildwood Crest.
Service will start at 9am (one hour earlier than the usual 10am)

3. How Good is "Good Enough"?

October 8, 2017 Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: exploreGod

Topic: the Bible

The vast majority of people think that there is a direct correlation between the way they live their life today - the things they do and don't do - and what happens to them when they die. This is why people say things like, "If he doesn't get into heaven, nobody will," "I hope I've been good enough," or "I never killed anyone!" Since none of us are perfect, how good is good enough? Where's the line?

More in exploreGod

October 29, 2017

6. Is the Bible Reliable?

October 22, 2017

5. Is Christianity Too Narrow?

October 15, 2017

4. Jesus' Compassion for the Lost